
Trekabout Episode 221: The Reckoning/Valiant

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine expands the mythology of the Bajoran religion to varying degrees of success, in “The Reckoning”. Then, in “Valiant”, the show tries to expand Nog and Jake, to varying degrees of success. iTunes Google Play RSS


Trekabout Episode 211: A Time to Stand/Rocks and Shoals

Welcome to season 6 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine! It’s been three months since the start of the Dominion War, and if “A Time to Stand” is any indication, things are not going well for the Federation. Then, in “Rocks and Shoals”, we find out how bad things are on Deep Space N… we …


Trekabout Episode 210: In the Cards/Call to Arms

The penultimate episode of season 5 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, “In the Cards”, finds everyone depressed and down, which is a perfect start to a comedy episode! Then, in “Call to Arms”, the Federation finally makes a move against the Dominion. This will end well. iTunes Google Play RSS


Trekabout Episode 199: Looking for par’Mach in All the Wrong Places/…Nor the Battle to the Strong

Have you been wondering what’s been up with Grilka, Quark’s Klingon ex-wife? Well, this is your moment, because she returns in another comedy of manners, in “Looking for par’Mach in All the Wrong Places”. Have you been wondering what’s up with Jake Sisko? Well, this is also your moment, because he has some growing up …


Trekabout Episode 194: The Muse/For the Cause

Whether you like Lwaxana Troi or not, she’s been a recurring character in Star Trek for many years, and deserves a better send-off than “The Muse” gives her. Later, in “For the Cause”, another recurring character gets a very unexpected send-off. iTunes Google Play RSS


Trekabout Episode 193: Hard Time/Shattered Mirror

Have you ever wondered what would happen if you would placed in an alien prison for almost 20 years? Well, “Hard Time” has you covered. Have you ever wondered what would happen if you were kidnapped by the doppelganger of your dead mother? Well, “Shattered Mirror” has you covered. Have you ever wondered why Star …


Trekabout Episode 185: The Visitor/Hippocratic Oath

“The Visitor” is one of the most highly-regarded episodes of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, but you might be surprised at what we think of it! Later, in “Hippocratic Oath”, Bashir and O’Brien are surprised at what they make of each other, and the Jem’Hadar. iTunes Google Play RSS


Trekabout Episode 181: The Die Is Cast/Explorers

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine wraps up last week’s cliffhanger by completely changing the balance of power in the galaxy, in “The Die Is Cast”. Meanwhile, “Explorers” proves that ancient Bajorans were pretty badass. iTunes Google Play RSS